Dear Friend,


As I reflect on this year, I am encouraged by the great successes of the Housing Rights Movement this year. Thanks to San Francisco’s community organizers and voters, San Francisco tenants now have the right to an attorney in an eviction matter (Prop F), and the City will begin collecting taxes in January 2019 that will provide much-needed funds for San Francisco’s homeless and eviction prevention programs (Prop C). Housing as a human right is winning! And, to top it all off, EDC was awarded the role of Lead Partner in San Francisco Right to Counsel.

Despite these great successes, there is still so much for us to do; neither Right to Counsel nor homeless services are sufficiently funded.

Over the next few months, EDC will be finalizing the design and overseeing implementation of the first phase of San Francisco Right to Counsel. This first phase will improve quick and effective access to an attorney in eviction matters. Next we will turn our attention to the landscape of tenant services and work with our community partners in designing a system that will address the various obstacles to securing safe, stable, and dignified housing faced by San Francisco tenants. Simultaneously, we are advocating for increased support from the City to ensure due process to San Francisco’s sheltered population.

We need your help. Please consider making a donation to EDC this holiday season.The stage is set. The country is watching. Let’s crush this housing crisis together.

Happy holidays to you and yours,

Martina I. Cucullu Lim

Executive Director